Merville Group



Property Proforma

Identify property development costs, future cash flows and understand key financial indicators for investors and banks

Construction Review

Construction budgets, timelines, and inspections often delay projects months. Let us help you understand the construction milestones that are the most important


We can help you move from plan to permit quickly. Understanding the City of Miami, Miami Dade County, and other government regulations we can help you navigate the bureaucracy with ease


Maximize the size of a development and increase profits through in-depth market analysis, proforma review, and zoning analysis

Zoning Analysis

We can help you understand how changing zoning requirements impact your investment and work with designers to develop plans for faster approval


Site Selection

Expertise in site identification for retail tenants and apartment buildings in suburban and urban locations

Market Analysis

Evaluate the market, submarket, and neighborhood by property type to truly understand the nature of the market and accurately forecast future trends

Property Research

Get property-level analysis for investment or development scenarios to maximize profit and understand potential value

Deal Analysis

Detailed deal analysis is available for investors and banks to evaluate all relevant financial ratios

Due Diligence

Minimize acquisition issues with through due diligence support including environmental, regulatory and title issues


Lease Review

Understand renewals, CAM charges, and project future cash flows and turnover with ease. We will audit your leases to ensure all important terms are extracted 

Market Positioning

Strengthen your property’s position through in-depth analysis of competition properties

Renovation ROI

Curious which upgrades to include for a renovation project? We help owners understand how their property can improve income through targeted renovations

Cost Review

Let us help control construction costs by working with architects and contractors for alternatives to save money while still creating value

proudly located in miami

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